

  • 在我們為閣下提供物業管理服務之時,閣下會被要求向我們提供個人識別資料。我們有必要收集閣下之資料,以便向閣下提供服務。 倘若閣下未能提供所需資料,我們可能不能向閣下提供有關服務或協助。
  • 我們所收集之資料將用作處理有關申請、日常管理及/或任何跟進事宜。此外,有關資料亦可能用於內部及/或可能被披露或轉移往本集團作統計調查、分析,上述之團體亦可存取該等資料。
  • 我們只會在有需要的時間內,為了達到收集個人資料所需目的而保存閣下的個人資料及只供我們的獲授權人仕使用。

如閣下同意向我們支付合理之手續費,閣下有權要求存取或更正我們所持有關於閣下之資料。倘若閣下需要查核我們是否持有閣下之個人資料,又或者想存取或更正閣下有關之任何不確資料, 請電郵到 service@likon.com.hk 立安綠能有限公司或投寄到九龍長沙灣長義街10號昌隆工業大廈8樓立安綠能有限公司收。

It is the policy of Nefikon Limited, as one “Data User”, in complying with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the Laws of the Hong Kong SAR and notify you of certain matters when collection information from you.

  • At the time of providing our property management services, you may be asked to provide us with personally identifiable information. It is necessary for us to collect your information for providing you the services. You are not obliged to supply the data here but if you fail to provide the information requested, we may not be able to provide you the services or assistance.
  • The information we collected will be used for processing all matters relevant application, daily operation and/or any follow up actins. In addition, we may use the personal data and our information will be accessed by, disclosed or transferred to Our Group for internal statistical research and/or analysis. All of the aforesaid organizations can keep such personal data.
  • We will keep your personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it is collected. The data you provide will only be handled by our authorized employees and persons.

You have the right to request access to, or correction of, information about you which is held by us, by paying us the reasonable charges incurred by us in relation to administering and complying with your request. If you need to check whether we hold your personal information or if you which is inaccurate, please write via e-mail to our Data Protection Office at service@likon.com.hk or via mail to 8/F, Cheung Lung Industrial Building, 10 Cheung Yee Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong.