如閣下同意向我們支付合理之手續費,閣下有權要求存取或更正我們所持有關於閣下之資料。倘若閣下需要查核我們是否持有閣下之個人資料,又或者想存取或更正閣下有關之任何不確資料, 請電郵到 service@likon.com.hk 立安綠能有限公司或投寄到九龍長沙灣長義街10號昌隆工業大廈8樓立安綠能有限公司收。 |
It is the policy of Nefikon Limited, as one “Data User”, in complying with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the Laws of the Hong Kong SAR and notify you of certain matters when collection information from you.
You have the right to request access to, or correction of, information about you which is held by us, by paying us the reasonable charges incurred by us in relation to administering and complying with your request. If you need to check whether we hold your personal information or if you which is inaccurate, please write via e-mail to our Data Protection Office at service@likon.com.hk or via mail to 8/F, Cheung Lung Industrial Building, 10 Cheung Yee Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong. |